My Reactions
Well, I felt a little bit nervous when receiving feedback because I knew my performance had not been as good as I expected. However, the feedback my classmates and teacher was not that bad. Then, I had the opportunity to provide feedback to my classmates. It was interesting to pay attention to their performance in order to give constructive feedback that can help them realize about their strengths and challenges. I tried to be objective and mature when telleing them my observations.
Anything Surprising?

My Strengths

Areas of Improvement
The judges suggested me to think carefully about the kind of activity I choose as warm up because the one I developed was too long and kind of boring, and I totally agreed. So I think the first thing I have to do is to learn how to chose the activities according to the kind of students and time I have. Second, I need to learn to adapt my activities in order to make them more suitable for my reality. Thrird, I need to add more enthusiasm, especially when the activities are not that interesting for the students. Finally, I need to rehears more before teaching.